School Background

Creaney Education Support Centre was established in 1986 and offers placement to primary aged students with an intellectual disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder or both. It shares a campus with Creaney Primary School in the suburb of Kingsley. This co-location allows us to provide small specialised classes catering for individual needs whilst also offering a range of opportunities for integration with mainstream peers.


Classes at Creaney ESC are typically small with an average of six students in each class staffed by one teacher and at least two (usually three) Education Assistants.

Students are taught using highly structured programs based on the principles of T.E.A.C.C.H, Applied Behaviour Analysis and Direct Instruction. Visual and communication supports are used throughout the school to encourage independence and to reduce anxious behaviours. The high staff to student ratio allows for a mix of 1:1 instruction, independent work, small group and whole class instruction.


Teaching is highly individualised with each child’s learning program determined by an Individual Education Plan (IEP). IEPs are written at the beginning of each semester, in collaboration with parents, staff and relevant professionals. They cover each of the eight learning areas and describe the specific objectives to be taught. Teaching staff are responsible for developing the differentiated curriculum necessary to achieve these objectives. Emphasis is placed on independence and the generalisation of skills to a wide range of applications. At the end of each semester, parents are provided with a written report which directly relates to each objective on the IEP. Reports include photographic evidence of skill attainment.


All teachers are specially qualified to teach students with disabilities and are ably supported by a large number of experienced Education Assistants. Staff members undertake regular professional development to ensure that our evidence-based practices reflect current research.

Currently, Creaney ESC has 15 teachers and 38 support staff.


Students at Creaney ESC come from a wide range of surrounding suburbs. Those living within an approximate radius of fifteen kilometres of the Centre are able to access transport to school via a contract bus. Currently there are 6 students in the Kindy Program and 56 in the core Year 1 to 6 classes.


Creaney ESC is very fortunate to have a highly supportive parent population. Staff and parents work collaboratively, and in partnership with other professionals, for the benefit of each student. We have an active School Board which comprises representatives from the staff and parent bodies. Currently there are five parents, three staff and one Community Representative on the Board. However, Board Meetings are always open and any parent is welcome to attend at any stage. The School Board played an instrumental role in Creaney ESC’s successful application for Independent Public School status in 2017.  The Board works closely with staff in determining the strategic direction of the Centre.

A Parent Network Group meets regularly for informal chats and information sessions.